Dear Family,
So this week was awesome. WAY stressful and way crazy but totally worth it. To start off we had 6 baptisms in our ward! 3 from the Hermanas and 3 from our part and 1 members son. I had to do 3 of the interviews and get the zone leaders to do the others!! Then we had to get all the papers done and all the people who where baptised chose a different person to baptise them and another to confirm them. It was a lot of info to get but it strengthened the ward a lot!! The open house was awesome!! and the president ended up coming to the baptisms and the chapel dedication the next day!! It was a wonderful weekend!! During the week were were running from place to place getting everyone ready for baptism and we were still Set on getting our "foundation" (140 contacts 20 lessons and 12 hours of finding and 17 member present lessons) becuase if not we would have to start from ground zero. This foundation is something that my president has asked us to do because everything builds off of it. So to say the least it was hard.
In hte second to the last lesson with two of the people who were going to be baptised they told me they wanted to wait.... I WAS DEVISTATED!!!!!!!!! wow I couldnt even think all night!! But they came to the baptisms and they seem like they will be baptised later on. Sorry this letter is all over the place there is just so much to tell!
Sunday night we were pushing to get this foundtaion done and the last lesson we were teaching to get it done the 2 boys that didnt get baptised out of the 3 who we taught the plan of salvation with chalk said they want to be baptised!!!! I dont think I have ever been happier. So to clear everything up really qucikly Jean paul and jean pier were baptised. They are two brothers and there mother is a less active. Estebon was baptised and he is the son of a recent convert. he has a brother and a cousin who decided not to be baptised named Anibal and Abel. However anibal and abel told us sunday night they want to be baptised!!! And Sandra and her son are the ones that wanted to wait!! Please keep praying for them!! I know you already are because I can tell but keep it up please!!
Now I am confused and I'm not sure what I have written and what I forgot, but family, I LOVE THE MISSION!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy!!! These people here are making decistions to change there lives and I am lucky enought to be here as an instrument of the Lord to help them!! The problem is when things go bad it kills me aswell but when they are good I love it!!! THank you for your prayers and thoughts!! I know they are helping!!
As for my spanish.. it is getting worse I feel like. I dont know what it is. I got the chance to speack papiamentu the other day and I still think I can speack that better...
The ward here is going to the temple next week!! basically all the leaders!! They assigned us to talk and i dont even know who will preside ha ha I guess we sill see.
So It sounds like you all are doing good!! Chris working in on his Yard. Stacey with here Piano recitals and Justin and Lindsey with there adventures. I love you all and pray for you everynight. Remember to do your scripture study everyday!! No matter how long but everyday without fail!! Those that do will stay on the path!! If anyone hasn't read the book "our search for happiness" I strongly suggest read it. It is an easy read and awesome in everyway!!! My testimony grew so much by reading it and I want to be better too!! Read it!! ha ha But I love you all and have a good week! Talk to you next week!!
Love elder Knudsen
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